Gathering is cancelled this morning due to bad road conditions.

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Beginning THIS Sunday we will begin what we are calling "First Sunday." These "first Sundays" are meant to be longer than usual times of fellowship together as a church family. We'll meet for worship in song and the preached word, along with participating in communion as a church family. After the service is over everyone is welcome to join in on a "family" meal together. The one catch is that each family (or individual) should plan on bringing food for themselves (along with plates/cutlery). We encourage everyone to bring a little extra so that guests can be included in this family meal.

Sovereign Grace Church will finally have the joy of holding a baptism service on Sunday, June 1, 2014. We'll plan on enjoying our "First Sunday" church family meal (bring food for your family - drinks will be provided) after our Sunday morning meeting. We'll then head over to Mike and Linore Burkard's house for the baptism service at 2:00pm where we'll sing, hear testimonies of those being baptized, and the baptisms themselves! This promises to be a FANTASTIC day (though perhaps tiring for young families)!

Attention all Ladies of Sovereign Grace Church: Come out for a night of fellowship and fun! Dinner at City Barbecue, dessert at Graeters, and a well-reviewed movie, "Mom's Night Out," with other ladies from the church. Click here for more information.

For those interested in learning more about membership at Sovereign Grace Church in Bellbrook, Ohio, the next membership class is in two parts...

Due to the Sugar Maple Festival in Bellbrook this weekend portions of both Main Street and Franklin Street will be closed and alternate routes will need to be taken to get to our celebration service Sunday morning. Please be sure to plan for the adjusted time it might take to follow any detours that the Bellbrook police have set up.

Come by the Bice house to watch the Sugar Maple Festival Parade this Saturday morning (11:30). The parade will officially begin at 11:30am with the national anthem but be sure to come early (anytime after 10:30). Some spots will be saved right outside of our house on Franklin Street but if you would like to sit as close to the parade as possible we would encourage you to drop some lawn chairs off early (even tonight) so they can be used to save some good spots.

A wonderful writer, blogger, and good friend speaks of the joy of the resurrection in a compelling way as he says: "The Old Testament foretold of this joy, the birth of Christ announced this joy, Holy Week seemed to extinguish this joy, but the resurrection of Christ is the point in history when the unassailable torch of God's joy emerged from the sea of foaming rebel hostility, rose up and lit the summit of an Olympic torch of joy that will burn for all eternity" -Tony Reinke, Desiring God Ministries.

Entering into this wonderful weekend where we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus we will be contemplating and celebrating a lot of truth!! Exciting days! In preparation for Resurrection Sunday I wanted to point you to some videos of songs that we will be singing. Come on Sunday having familiarized yourself some with these wonderful songs!

Good Friday. A day of utter darkness as Jesus, the Son of God, hangs on a cruel instrument of torture and execution, taking on himself the just penalty for our sins. In our place condemned he stood. A day of darkness, yes...but a day of hope for all those who place their trust in him. "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." (1 John 4:10 ESV)

On Maundy Thursday we consider a wealth of Jesus' teaching to his disciples (John 13:1-17:26), the details of the Last Supper (Matthew 26:20""30; Mark 14:17""26; Luke 22:14""20), the Garden of Gethsamane (John 18; Mark 14:32), Judas' betrayal of our Lord (John 18:2), and the beginning of the proceedings that lead to Good Friday (John 18:12). Take time to watch Crossway's video on "The Final Days of Jesus: Thursday" as you continue to contemplate the most important days of the most important person in history.

Crossway's video on "The Final Days of Jesus: Wednesday."

Crossway has put together some wonderful videos helping each of us understand what took place on the days between Palm Sunday and Easter. Be sure to watch each day this week!