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This past Sunday Steve preached on the Ascension of Christ. The glorious truth about Jesus being in heaven as my representative before the Father made me want to weep. The enormity of what Jesus had done, and is still doing for me, is so overwhelming. It can be easy to hear a sermon and then go on as usual afterwards without letting the impact of the word affect our lives. James calls this being a hearer of the word and exhorts us to also be doers.

Increasingly, today, we hear misinterpretations (and misrepresentations) of a variety of portions of the Bible being taught. At least one result of this is that it is causing no small amount of confusion, misapplication, and even a distrust of the very word of God to us. It is imperative that we grow in knowing how to read, interpret, understand, and apply the Bible to our lives. "Interpreting the Bible" is a seminar designed to help us do just that.

Daylight Saving Time begins 2 am, tomorrow morning - Sunday, March 8. Remember, spring ahead 1 hour.

Due to very poor road conditions we have made the difficult decision to cancel or Sunday morning services. We do this very hesitantly but agree that is the best route to take this morning. Blessings on you and your family's on this Lord's day.