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A weekly follow-up of Sunday morning's sermon with links, scripture text, the main point, and thoughts regarding application.

Here you will find ten helpful tips for studying your bible in a way that will generally serve you in your vital Bible intake.

How to fight boredom with the Bible. A wonderfully helpful article by Jon Bloom of Desiring God Ministries.

Growing up in a Christian home, the Bible has always been an important book in my life. I was in sixth grade when I first felt a conviction to read it on a daily basis. I was also in sixth grade when I first felt a struggle in my heart. The struggle to read my Bible became a legalistic issue almost when it became a conviction. Reading and studying God's word became something that I knew I should do, and when I didn't, I felt condemned. Yet, in the midst of what would be a 27-year struggle, God used his word in my life in powerful ways. God's word taught me and spoke to me through many times and seasons.

David teaches us that being discouraged is part of the life of faith but he also teaches us what do in those times of discouragement.