Gathering is cancelled this morning due to bad road conditions.

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George Mueller, famous for his faith in God to provide for the many orphans he cared for, is said to have stayed in his time with the Lord each morning until his soul was happy in Jesus. And the scriptures remind us that God's mercies are new every morning because of His faithfulness so we have been given a recurring gift from God to start each day with joy in the morning. Not the kind of joy that is based on how we feel about the circumstances of the day but an inner joy that comes from being accepted by the Father through Christ's sacrifice for our sins and a trust in God's faithfulness!

A few weeks ago, at our Wednesday night ASK Prayer Gathering, I shared for a few minutes about "spinning plates" and the affect of doing so in our own strength (results mostly being anxiety). I mentioned that all of us are spinning multiple plates. Not just a few of us; all of us - it's just simply the way God has ordained our lives. We all feel that, right? Jobs, relationships, finances, church, neighbors, parents, kids, spouse, school, reading, etc....

Communication. Oh how it is necessary. Clearly communicated information regarding anything is so vital for individuals, marriages, families, workplaces, and of course...churches. There are many ways we do try to communicate: Sunday mornings, emails, texting, phone calls, letters (what?!!), face to face visits, meeting up at the grocery. Yet, even with the amount of announcements, emails, and blogposts there is a communication hole that occurs - probably because of information overload. I'm uncertain how to keep that from happening (if I knew how I would probably write a book and