Plan to attend our Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM on March 29.

"For this I toil, struggling with all HIS energy that he powerfully works within me" (Col. 1:29).

plate-spinningA few weeks ago, at our Wednesday night ASK Prayer Gathering, I shared for a few minutes about "spinning plates" and the affect of doing so in our own strength (mostly anxiety). I mentioned that all of us are spinning multiple plates. Not just a few of us; all of us - it's just simply the way God has ordained our lives. We all feel that, right? Jobs, relationships, finances, church, neighbors, parents, kids, spouse, school, reading, etc.... Now, we may be spinning plates that we need not be spinning...we might just need to say "no" to a few good things so that we can focus on those other few things that we need to focus on. That being said, each of us simply have many different things going on in our lives that continually conspire to test where our strength comes from.

This morning I woke up to a wonderful blogpost written by a good friend. I found his writing to be of great help, focus, and reminder in the midst of my "spinning of plates." Specifically helpful because some of the plates I'm spinning have deadlines associated with them. And, of course, when there are deadlines there is a pressure that I feel. Perhaps you, too, feel the pressure associated with any number of "plates" you're spinning today. Do yourself a favor and take five minutes to read this very helpful post from a very humble and real fellow plate spinner.

Click Below
The Priceless Grace of Pressure