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Yesterday we witnessed a very signigicant event in the life of our country. As you all are aware of, at this point, the Supreme Court's ruling regarding gay marriage, and the re-defining of marriage, will have significant implications on not only our country, but us as a church family (and individual Christians). There are, of course, many resources for us to consider and process online. The question is, with all that is being written about this event, it's implications, and what our response should be, what should we read? Who should we listen to? Of course, we want to consider first and finally the biblical perspective on these things and so I have included a short list of links that will direct you to articles that will serve to enable you to interact with friends, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers in a winsome and theologically informed manner. I could not urge you more emphatically to read these and work to understand what is being communicated.

I want to encourage married couples to join Joy and I in attending The Art of Marriage event being held at Bellbrook Community Church on November 14 and 15. It's a great opportunity to grow in our respective marriages and get to know others in the community as well.