Plan to attend our Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM on March 29.

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Would we be at peace with others if we truly sought after it? Would our relationships be sweeter if we saw the good in others rather than picking them apart? Would we listen more if we assumed we weren't right at every point?

What are two words you should never say in an argument? Is there a contradiction in the slogans "Black Lives Matter," and "All Lives Matter?" What is one quality our words should always dispense? This week we consider the next three principles in the book – Mean what you Say, Understand What You Hear, and Nourish with Grace.

The first three principles in learning how to C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.E. in a way that honors the image of God in others and displays Christ to them as well.

How could our conversations across racial and political divides look if we implemented the G.R.A.C.E principles that Tim Shorey recommends?

"Knowing that God speaks affects how we think about communication. Knowing that humans are made in the image affects how we think about those with whom we communicate. Knowing that we are washed in the blood and that we wear Christ's robe [of righteousness] affects how we think about all the communication messes we have made." Tim Shorey

Some concluding thoughts and application for our church from the book Bloodlines by John Piper

Why is ethnic diversity something that we should aim to pursue in our church? Is this simply diversity for diversity’s sake or maybe something that our culture tells us we ought to do? We ought to be able to see the beauty of ethnic diversity through the lens of the gospel instead of something that the church is trying to do to keep in step with the culture.

We need to be able to think though issues of racism primarily from a gospel lens before we can see it from an economic and political lens. Let's consider how the gospel exposes the roots of racism and replaces it with abounding hope.

The solutions proposed by advocates of personal responsibility vs. systemic intervention has been the source of an explosive debate on race. What is this debate about? Is any ultimate hope in these solutions?⁠

A few reasons that ought to motivate us to learn about the implications of the gospel on race and ethnic issues.