April 27, 2014

The Church: One Body, Many Members

Speaker: Steve Bice Series: The Church Topic: The Church Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12–12:31

Those of us blessed to be at Sovereign Grace Church are reminded by the Apostle Paul that we are one group made up of many diversely gifted individuals, each necessary and dependent on one another. To consider this we looked at 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a and considered:

The Reality of our Unity (vv. 12-14), and secondly…
The Reality of our Diversity (vv. 15-26)

Pictures, or illustrations, or analogies have always been helpful to us in understanding concepts and truths haven’t they? From the very youngest of ages we show pictures to help little ones understand shapes and cars and airplanes. Well, similarly for us as children, teens, and adults it’s helpful for each of us to understand truths, both simple and deep, through good analogies. Because the Corinthian church didn’t seem to be understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in uniting the as a church nor the reasons that the Spirit gave the spiritual gifts to the church in the first place (and because we can misunderstand similarly) Paul strives to explain these truths by using a picture that everyone would understand - the imagery of a body. 

other sermons in this series

Sep 14


The Church: Called to One Another

Speaker: Steve Bice Scripture: Hebrews 10:19–25 Series: The Church

Apr 20


The Church: Our Guaranteed Hope

Speaker: Steve Bice Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1–28 Series: The Church

Apr 6


The Church: Why We Sing

Speaker: Steve Bice Scripture: Ephesians 5:18–5:20 Series: The Church