The Church: Why We Sing
Speaker: Steve Bice Series: The Church Topic: The Church Scripture: Ephesians 5:18–5:20
Why is it that we sing when we gather to meet? Whether it’s on a Sunday morning or a community group meeting or in youth group or children’s ministry or a seminar or a retreat or conference - why do we sing?
Is it safe to say that God intends for us to be a singing people? Isn't it just a preference thing? Is singing a kind of mark of a Christian? Does God intend for us to be a worshipping people? In this message we consider that as we sing we are, in fact, declaring:
The glory of God that I see in the face of Jesus and the joy and satisfaction that I experience as I behold the glory of Christ is so great and so intense and so deep and so majestic and so profound that merely talking about it is not sufficient – the depth of our feelings, our affections, our emotions for the glory of Christ demand songs. We must sing!
That’s why we sing so much in our churches! Because we LOVE God and the glimpses of His glory we get through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives! We sing as a church as an expression of appropriate worship of the one who has obtained us by his own blood. Worship is, in fact, our right response to the glory of God seen in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
other sermons in this series
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The Church: Called to One Another
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Apr 27
The Church: One Body, Many Members
Speaker: Steve Bice Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12–12:31 Series: The Church
Apr 20
The Church: Our Guaranteed Hope
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