Sep 13
Don't Ditch God's Word
I feel compelled to speak of the importance for God’s people, those who have been redeemed by him, to really read their Bibles, to not be content wit
Like a butterfly, our lives reflect God's beauty simply by existing. Our purpose isn’t in grand achievements but in showing His goodness, even in small, fleeting moments.
Keep ReadingWe most often want God to be glorified by giving us strength to compensate for our weaknesses, instead of leaving us in them. Maybe it’s because we’re too focused on achieving, but maybe it’s just because we’re too focused on ourselves, and how we think our lives should look. It is our sinful pride that leads us to think that we have a better idea of what our part in God’s kingdom should look like than God’s idea. He will accomplish His purposes according to His perfect wisdom, and generally chooses to use willing and weak people rather than the strong, important ones.
Keep ReadingThe Christmas season has a way of exposing things in our hearts that may have been hidden. The extra stresses, expenses, expectations, and longings that arise during this season are unlike any other time of the year. How can our hearts be hopeful, joyful, and peaceful?
Keep ReadingI feel compelled to speak of the importance for God’s people, those who have been redeemed by him, to really read their Bibles, to not be content wit
Keep ReadingGod, the Father, is not a tyrannical parent. In fact, He is much more gracious and loving than any earthly parent is toward their children. The Lord places rules and guidelines to live by not to restrict us or take away our freedom, though we may feel that way. Rather, He gives us commands and virtues to live by for our good and for real freedom.
Keep ReadingGod is for you as a mother. God is for you as a woman. He will never leave you to fend for yourself because he is the perfect parent, and you are safe with him as his beloved daughter.
Keep ReadingHave you ever noticed that Paul often calls himself a “servant of God” (Rom. 1:1; Phil. 1:1)? In Galatians 1:10 and 1 Corinthians 4:1-2, Christians are called bond-servants of Christ. Yet, the Bible calls those who are in Christ “free people”. We, who were once slaves to sin, are now free people living for Christ as His servants. Paul explains that we were slaves to sin and have become slaves to righteousness (Rom. 6:17-18). In this way, we are “freely bound” to Christ. But, what do we do with this?
Keep ReadingAs followers of Christ, we can take joy in the fact that nothing we do ultimately defines our life. Our life is defined by Christ and that definition cannot shift or change because we are hidden in Christ!
Keep ReadingIn a world that pastes “#blessed” all over shirts and coffee mugs, how are we to really think about blessedness? Where and who does blessing come from? What does it really mean to be blessed? Should we strive for blessing, and if so, how do we do that? Here are some thoughts from Psalm 1.
Keep ReadingA new blog for the women at SGC Dayton that is meant to be an encouragement to strengthen your weary souls.
Keep ReadingSep 13
I feel compelled to speak of the importance for God’s people, those who have been redeemed by him, to really read their Bibles, to not be content wit